Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mom's Pure Wisdom and Wonderful Water

Mom's are just full of wonderful helpful wisdom. Growing up I always had a closer relationship with my mom and it has continued into adulthood. Mom was the one I would call when my heart was broken, when I was hurt, when I landed a terrific job, when I got engaged. I wanted to share all of these experiences with her.

one thing she has always advised me about was to drink more water.
and how perfect that today I wanted to talk more about water.

I recently went to a blogger get together at the Spa Atlantis where they treated us with mini massage and also taught us many things about our skin and health.
After talking to the acupucturist she told me that my body was completely depleted of water.
Oh boy was she right on the money. I am horrible about drinking enough liquid in general let alone water. I am lucky if I drink 50 0z of anything a day.

So now I come to the exciting part.

NestlĂ©® Pure Life® is challenging people to swap one sugary beverage a day with water for a year to cut 50,000 calories from their diet, and then share their family's story of healthy hydration on the Facebook page mosaic. Come check them out and "like" there page.

I have set myself a goal of at least 80oz a day. Wish me luck.

For mothers and future mothers it's important to teach your children while there young to drink water, it will help them keep healthy. they will thank you later.

How refreshing does this water look. 

Happy Hydrating!!!


This article is sponsored by NestlĂ©® Pure Life® Purified Water

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